This article will go over two methods that we use to patch audio channels at Life.Church using Dante Controller.
Use Caution while patching in Dante Controller. In most cases, we do not want to un-patch a Dante channel. This could undo patches and interfere with the weekend experience, which we want to avoid at all costs.
The Routing Grid
The routing grid is the default tab that opens up when you open Dante Controller. This method is the slower way to patch, but by using this method, you can easily visualize the patch.

To start patching, click the plus symbol above the source that will be sending (or transmitting) audio on the top, or transmit side of the grid. The device will open up, showing all of the available output channels of the device.

Click the plus symbol next to the device that you want the audio to send to on the left-hand, or receive side of the grid.

There is now a full XY axis grid that is shown. Use this grid to select a cross-point between the desired output channel of the transmitting device and the desired input channel of the receiving device.
The green check marks that will show up indicate that the subscription, or patch, was successful.
Device View
Patching using the Device View window is the quicker way to patch in Dante Controller if you are patching sequential channels.
Open to the Device View tab by hitting ⌘D on the keyboard.
You can also open the Device View window by clicking on "Device" in the top toolbar, and selecting "Device View" from the dropdown menu.

Select the receiving device from the device selector menu. In this case, the CL5 is the receiving device.

Click the arrow next to the transmitting device, which can be found in the right-hand bar. This will drop down all of the available sources from the device.

Select the source channels that you would like to send. Use Shift+Click to select multiple channels.
When selecting multiple channels, keep in mind that they will keep in sequential order when dragging over to the receiving device.

Click and drag channels from the Available Channels menu over to the desired Receive Channels

Look for the green check mark to pop up in the "Status" column, indicating that the subscriptions (connections) are successful.
In the example above, notice that there is a green check mark and a red "do not" sign. This indicates that the primary subscriptions are successful, but the secondary subscriptions failed. In most cases, this would cause alarm, but I am aware that the secondary port was unplugged when the screenshot was taken, so we can move on and pretend like those are not there.
As always, please contact the Life.Church Help Desk if you have any questions at all. We're happy to help! - (405) 216-2846.