
ProTools I/O Routing

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Have you ever opened ProTools and attempted to assign outputs, but the correct paths were not in the menu? This article will teach you how to create ProTools output channels from scratch. We will also learn how to save output settings as a preset. 

1. Verify Playback Engine

At the top of the screen, select "Setup"; then "Playback Engine"

Select the dropdown menu for Playback Engine and select "Dante Virtual Soundcard"

ProTools will automatically close the session and reopen it with the new playback engine selected.

2. Delete Current I/O Paths

Go to Setup>I/O

With the "Output" tab selected, press Command-A on the keyboard to select all. Then press Delete on the keyboard to erase all current paths. Repeat steps to delete paths in the "Bus" tab.

3. Create New I/O Paths

With the OUTPUT tab selected, click the "New Path" button on the lower-left side of the screen

Change number of mono tracks to "2"; then click the "+" sign to add more tracks.

Change the second path to "stereo"

Change number of stereo tracks to "7"

Make sure the "Add default channel assignments" box is checked and click Create

After labeling, click "OK"

4. Assign Outputs

Click on the output box next to each track and select the appropriate destination.

Verify all outputs are working correctly and transmitting audio to the correct channels on the console.

5. Export I/O settings

After verifying all outputs are working correctly, open the I/O window again

Click "Export Settings"

Name and Date preset. Example: "KLR ProTools 5.1.17"

6. Importing preset if settings are lost

Go to Setup>I/O

Delete all contents under the "Output" and "Bus" tabs. Press Command-A on the keyboard to select all, then press delete on the keyboard.

Select "Output" tab

Click "Import Settings"

Choose previously saved preset

Select "Bus" tab and import the same preset again. Then click "OK"

Patch Outputs and verify audio is transmitting

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