
Patching into the back of a CL5/QL5

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The QL5 has 32 inputs on the back of the console that can be utilized. Start by plugging in the instrument, FX pedal or mic into the any open input on the console using a DI box if one is needed to convert 1/4" to XLR.

Swing back to the front of the console, and choose an open channel for the new input. Find any open channel, but try your hardest to keep instruments that are alike grouped together. For example, if you are adding a guitar, try and add the channel next to other existing guitar channels. When you've found a wise location, hit the SEL(select) button that is above the fader on the channel.

On the selected channel, press the gray box that is just to the left of DYNAMICS 1. If the channel is completely empty, this box will say "----". If an input is already patched by default, this box will show "DANTE-(number)". 

C. Use the menu on the left side to scroll up until you see INPUT. Then touch the input that the instrument was plugged into on the back of the console.

D. Before you get out of the menu completely, name the channel by touching the text box and typing a good name for the channel. Channel names do have character limits, so you may have to abbreviate.

Great job! The channel is now patched and ready for a FOH engineer to dial in Gain, EQ and Dynamics.


The CL5 has 8 inputs on the back of the console that can be utilized. Most of these are used by Video and Spotify. If there is an open input, start by plugging in the instrument, FX pedal or mic into the open channel using a DI box if one is needed to convert 1/4" to XLR.

A. Swing back to the front of the console and choose an open channel for the new input. Find any open channel, but try your hardest to keep instruments that are alike grouped together. For example, if adding a guitar, try and add the channel next to other existing guitar channels. When you've found a wise location, hit the SEL(select) button on the channel.

B. On the selected channel, press the gray box that is just to the left of DYNAMICS 1. If the channel is completely empty, this box will show "----". If something is already patched by default, this box will show "DANTE-(number)". 

C. On the left hand bar, scroll down to "OMNI/PB OUT".

This will bring up the following screen, allowing you to press the number that the instrument was plugged into on the back panel. 

OMNI = Console Panel Input.

D. Before you get out of the menu completely, name the channel by touching the text box at the top of the screen. Channel names do have character limits, so you may have to abbreviate.

Great job! The channel is now patched and ready for a FOH engineer to dial in Gain, EQ and Dynamics.

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