
Pea Soup Phantom Hazer Troubleshooting

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This article will go over some basic troubleshooting steps to help a Pea Soup Phantom Hazer get running smoothly again. Select the section that corresponds with the visible symptoms and follow the steps to troubleshoot.

No haze coming out at all

Verify hazer temperature

Look at the back of the hazer. The top number(RED) is current temperature, and the bottom number(GREEN) is operating temperature. If the top number is not higher than the bottom number, wait for the hazer to heat up, and try using haze again.


Verify haze fluid level

There is a reservoir view on the back of the hazer. If there is haze in the reservoir, you will see a line, showing the fluid level. If there is no line, use a funnel to put more haze fluid into the reservoir. For instructions on how to fill the hazer, refer to the article REFILLING HAZE FLUID IN THE PEA SOUP HAZER


Verify that CO2 is open and outputting pressure

Make sure that the big knob on top of the CO2 tank is in the OPEN position. Each tank knob shows which direction to turn the knob in order to ensure that it is open.

Look at the INPUT(left) gauge on the regulator. If the needle is showing 0psi, the CO2 tank is empty. If this is the case, change out the CO2 tank with the backup that is at each location. Please refer to the article: Installing CO2 tank for phantom hazer for instructions on how to do so.

If these steps did not resolve the issue, please submit a Help Desk Ticket for further help.


Very light haze output

Verify that CO2 is open and outputting pressure

Make sure that the big knob on top of the CO2 tank is in the OPEN position. Each tank knob shows which direction to turn the knob in order to ensure that it is open.

Look at the INPUT(left) gauge on the regulator. If the needle is showing 0psi, the CO2 tank is empty. If this is the case, change out the CO2 tank with the backup that is at each location. Please refer to the article: Installing CO2 tank for phantom hazer for instructions on how to do so.


Verify CO2 pressure regulator functions

Check the regulators OUTPUT(left) gauge. This gauge should show at least 4 BAR of pressure. If it does not, slowly turn the smaller black knob regulator knob counter clockwise to open it slightly until the gauge shows 4-5 BAR of pressure.

If the regulator knob is already open all the way and is showing under 3.5BAR of pressure, please submit a ticket for further help.


Too much haze output

If the haze is too thick, grab the gold Smoke Density knob on the top of the hazer, and turn it counter-clockwise. This should thin the haze out quite a bit.


If haze will not stop coming out of the hazer, immediately turn the hazer off by flipping the power switch on the back of the hazer.

Down = On, Up = Off

Now, look at the smoke switch and verify that it is in the OFF position(Up).

Circle = Off, Line = On

The smoke switch is like a DMX control override. If in the on position, the hazer will produce haze constantly until this switch is put back to the OFF positon.

If the smoke switch was in the ON position, flip it to the OFF position and this will stop haze from coming out constantly.

If the smoke switch was in the OFF position, there is a good chance the hazer was overfilled. Look at the "Smoke Oil Indicator" to see if the hazer has been overfilled.

If the hazer was overfilled, please submit a Help Desk Ticket for help on next steps to get it cleared out.

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