
Getting CO2 Refilled for the Pea Soup Hazer

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Your CO2 is low, OH NO  

The Pea Soup Phantom hazer requires compressed CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) gas to function. This gas mixes with the haze fluid and creates the atmospheric effect that actually shows the light rays moving through the air. Pretty cool right? That gas, however, can eventually run out! Don't fret. The ordering processes is pretty simple.

CO2 Refill Guide

When To Order

Please keep an eye on the CO2 tank level. The level of the CO2 tank is by the LEFT, or input gauge on the regulator. (Circled in yellow below)

New tanks have approximately 1000PSI, which is shown in RED on the regulator input gauge. When the CO2 tank level gets to ZERO, the hazer will stop outputting haze shortly.

There should 2 CO2 tanks at the campus. One primary, and one backup. After the primary tank has been used, please order the re-fill IMMEDIATLY so that there is always a backup on site.

How To Order

  1. To schedule the swap, simply log in to your Streamline account and search "CO2". Select “Airgas” and then select “CO2 REFILL- CD FG20”.
  2. Select the correct campus option for your campus in the drop down and make sure to code it to your correct budget. Make sure to put down the best contact person for Airgas to reach out to, as someone will be coming to do a cylinder swap.

BEFORE the new tank shows up, make sure to have it disconnected, and in an area that Airgas can get to it to make the swap. If they can not get to it, or it is not disconnected, they will NOT drop the new tank off.

For instructions on how to disconnect the used tank, and connect the full tank, please refer to the article: Installing CO2 tank for Phantom Hazer

Enjoy swimming in the sweet, sweet haze

Have you checked your haze fluid inventory? Check out THIS article for how to order more.

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