
Invoice Coding: Required

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To ensure accuracy and efficiency and to steward our time and resources well, we follow AP best practices for invoices and coding. Easy!

Big Picture

Technology Solutions, Experience, Broadcast, and Worship all order gear. Often from the same vendors, which can lead to errors, confusion, and loss of time and resources. The solution is simple and familiar. It’s clear, consistent coding!

Best Practices

  • CEN - Account code - Expense category – Project - requestor initials or name – brief details

  • Coding should be on the invoice, and in red. CEN-114-63040-OKC-smc-tv replacement 

  • The added details provide instant clarity on the invoice itself. Though not required by AP, we are asking that these be included on each invoice when using shared suppliers.

  • Provide coding + details to the vendor with each service or purchase being invoiced.

  • Add coding + details as a PO if needed.

  • Each invoice submitted for payment is required to include the coding you provide.

Example Invoice

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