
Tech Training : Trello Workflow

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The purpose of the Tech Trello Board is to help you manage your team and track your trainees progress.  Below is a brief walk through on how to use the board as designed.  You can give access to your lead tech person or multiple people on the team that you feel can contribute to the board.

Link is to the sample that can be copied for your campus to use.  

Training Tech Board

Volunteer Tech Team Training Expert, Jerad Dowler has created, used, and implemented this workflow at several locations and would love to work with your campus to implement.  The larger goal is to create several Trainers at your location to help facilitate this process and only keep the Worship Pastor in the loop as needed.   His contact info can be found within Planning Center.  

Let's Briefly Walk Through Each Card

Tech Team Prospects

This board is for anyone who has signed up to serve on the campus tech team – via the communication card, Open Door or in person.  Their contact information (email and phone number) is typically taken by or given to the Worship Pastor.  

Background check information has not been given yet - not able to serve on team yet.

Sent Them Communication for Background Check

A contact can be moved to this card once you have sent the potential volunteer the link for the volunteer application. 

Background check sent – not able to serve on team yet.

Background Check Pending

A contact can be moved to this card when you have received word from the Worship Pastor that the potential volunteer completed and submitted the volunteer application.

Background check pending – not able to serve on team yet.

Background Check Cleared/Ready to Serve

Once the background check has come back clearing the potential volunteer to serve, you can now schedule them to start their training. 

Emailed/Text to Start Training – NO RESPONSE IN 30 DAYS

If you communicated to a potential volunteer once the background check was cleared or have tried multiple times to contact them and they have not responded, you can move their card here.  Some potential volunteers change their mind and might not communicate to you.  Some might still respond, so you can keep their card here.  This is optional, and you should use your best judgement. 

Training in Progress

Contacts should be moved to this card when they have started their training.  

This is the best time to add them to Planning Center

At this point leaving "comments" on the volunteer cards become helpful for the trainers to know what session or progress markers the volunteer has completed.  

Some  things  that  are  good  to  leave  in  the  “comment”  part  of  a  volunteer’s  card  are:  

  • When  they  are  coming  in  to  train next.
  • What  part  of  training  they  have completed  (session  1,  session2,  etc).
  • Feedback  on  their  training  (always  best  to  ask  your  trainers  for  their  feedback).   

Tech Team

Once training is completed and they are running things solo, their card can be moved here.  

The yellow label in this example signifies that these contacts are Tech Team Trainers 


This card is for contacts that have been in training or part of the team and have decided to take a break or maybe the team isn’t something they want to pursue at the moment.  It can be up to the Worship Pastor as to how long they keep the contacts archived before deleting. 

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