
Adjusting HandHeld Sensitivity

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Each wireless handheld microphone has an adjustable sensitivity. We've found that a good place to start is -30dB, but let's go over how to adjust the sensitivity in case you need to.

Whenever you are changing the sensitivity, please use caution. If the sensitivity is too high, you could cause feedback among other issues!

Video Walkthrough!
Adjusting The Sensitivity

When you first turn the mic on, you will see the display screen shows the mic frequency and the model number of the microphone. If you have set an ID prior to this, you will see the ID name instead of the frequency. 

To enter the menu, push the scroll wheel at the base of the antenna. You can now navigate through the menu using that same scroll wheel by pushing it toward you or away from you.

Navigate to the "Sensitivity" portion of the menu. Then push on the scroll wheel to select.

Once you are in the sensitivity portion on the menu, you can push the wheel towards you to turn the sensitivity down, or away from you to turn the sensitivity up. When you've selected the sensitivity that will work best, push the scroll wheel to confirm. When you have confirmed, the screen should briefly display "STORED".

To exit the menu, navigate to the "exit" option and push the scroll wheel to exit the menu.

Worship Best practices

The purpose of changing HandHeld sensitivity is to help get the best possible gain staging.  Gain staging, simply put, is making sure that you can get the best possible signal to noise ratio by dialing in the gain (or sensitivity) of every piece of gear in your signal chain. At Life.Church, we like to start the sensitivity at -30dB on a Sennheiser handheld. Depending on the vocalist, it may be wise to increase or decrease the sensitivity. When adjusting the sensitivity to suit a vocalist, you want to get the strongest signal possible without peaking the receiver. You can check this by watching the AF meter on the receiver.

LifeKids Best Practices

In Lifekids, we tend to go with -24dB on the sensitivity. This rarely has to change. However, if it does, please take note of the current sensitivity. Notify your LifeKids pastor (if in Konnect), or Youth pastor (if in Loop), so they are aware in case they need to change it back for another leader.

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