
One of the projectors is showing an LC logo or Blue Screen

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Have no fear, this is not the blue screen of death as you've no doubt experienced with Windows.  Rather it is normally just a way for the projector to tell you it does not have a video signal to display.  There are several steps to take to identify where the issue is and hopefully resolve it rather quickly.

In Loop or Konnect? Please refer to the article : No video showing on Loop/Konnect projector

If you are in the auditorium, please proceed. 

Try these steps before getting the lift out!  Most of the time we can solve the issue without a lift or ladder.  

Follow these steps to Isolate the issue.

Step 1.  Is the problem isolated to this one projector?

Look around and make sure that all other devices that should receive the same signal have an appropriate signal.  Lobby TVs, Stage TVs and other projectors might be the devices to check out.  In the LifeKids areas, the supporting confidence monitor on the wall would be a place to look.  

If other devices DO NOT have a signal, please reference the article: Video signals missing everywhere.

Step 2.  Verify the Projector Video Input.

Check to make sure the projector is on the correct input by pressing the appropriate input button on the remote.

In the Auditorium, the correct source is "SDI".

 In Loop and Konnect, the correct source is "HDMI".

Except in Fort Smith Auditorium, you'll be using the HDMI input.

If you cannot find a remote, EPSON Web Walkthrough will explain how to change the source from the web interface

Step 3.  Make sure Ross Router has an assignment for the projector.

Please Note:  These settings do not normally or accidentally change.  Please just check these settings but be very careful. 

This does not apply to Loop/Konnect. 

1. Open the Dashboard Application

2. Click on "Switchboard" in the top toolbar

3. Click the word [CAMPUS] Router

4. Select the Output Source

- Select the row labeled for the projector having issues under the output source column. (A)

5. Select the Input (Source)

 - First click MD Vid or Router under the Levels Tab.  (B)

- The select the appropriate input source. (C)

Not all Projectors on the Ross Switcher are Program (PGM). Please see image above for correct source.
On the far right is a column list of input sources.  

If the sources are correct, call the Tech Help Desk for further help: (405) 216-2846.

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