
Ross Switcher - Basic Operation

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At Life.Church, we use the Ross Switcher simply and specifically. This article covers the basic operation of the switcher. This article is not an in depth training on all the possibilities but it covers all you need to know to run the switcher during a service at Life.Church.

How to Use This Article

This article is the starting point for several articles teaching the various parts of running the video switcher. We will provide links within this article to the various other areas, but remember to come back to this one as your guide. We also have a video that very quickly covers all these topics as well.  

T-BAR Best Practices

Our team recommends one only uses the T-Bar to transition between sources on the video switcher. Use the T-bar only!  It allows the option to 'go back' if the preview source was incorrectly set.

For more on the T-Bar and the other transition methods check on this article. 

Ross Switcher : T-Bar Best Practices

Program/Preview Bus

The two most common rows of buttons we use on the switcher are technically referred to as the program and preview rows or buses.  

Row = Bus

Program = Live - It also means what is going to the side screens. 

Preview = Labeled Preset Bus - The source that's coming next.  

For more information on the Program / Preview Bus check out this article. 

Ross Switcher : Program/Preview Explained

LifeKids Button

At Life.Church we put up a code to let a parent know that their child needs attention. We simply use one button on the switcher to display the 'LifeKids Code' 

There is a specific button on the switcher labeled "LK" that is setup and ready to display the LifeKids code.You don't need to do any preparation on the switcher. The button is preconfigured to display the output of ProPresenter. It is necessary to do a little prep work in ProPresenter such as clearing the background and entering the code in the messages field.  

All you have to do when ready is hit the LK button once. Then hit it again when you are ready to take it down.  

For more information on the LifeKids button and the why behind how we use it, check out this article. 

Ross Switcher : LifeKids Code Best Practices


We ask that volunteers control three different screens or switcher outputs. The two side screens, the scenic screen and the center motorized screen.  All three can be controlled via three buttons on the switcher.  

The Side PJ button selects the layer that controls the output to the two outside projectors.   

The output of this source is referred to as program or live.  

The Scenic PJ button selects the layer that controls the output to the scenic projection or the large backdrop of the stage.

The Center PJ button selects the layer that controls the output to the center motorized projector.  

The scenic layer typically switches between PGM and BLK.  

For more information on the three buttons check out this article. 

Ross Switcher : Side/Scenic/Center Screens

Multiviewer TV

The switcher TV. 

For more information on the Multiviewer TV, check out this article. 

Ross Switcher : Multiviewer TV

Service Workflow

For more information on the Ross Switcher service workflow, check out this article:

Ross Switcher: Service Workflow (With Scenic Images)

Video Terminology

There are lots of terms we use and throw around that can be confusing sometimes.  If you'd like to learn more about video terminology as it pertains to Life.Church, check out this article. 

Video Terminology 101

Alternative Learning: Ross Switcher Basic Operation Video

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