
Ross Switcher - Service Workflow

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This article is a breakdown of the Ross Switcher workflow using the added row of buttons to control the scenic projection. 

All of the older buttons and functions on the switcher still work exactly the same. This includes Pre Service, and Reset. What we have done is added Scenic 'HotKeys' or 'Presets' that control what the scenic screen is projecting.

If you have not already, please read the article Ross Switcher : Basic Operation before going any further in this article.

Quick Reference Table of Transitions

Below is a quick reference table that shows a detailed description of each transition.

Some campuses have chosen to use the scenic screen during the Countdown Begins" section of the service. Follow your worship pastor's leadership on how they would like to have that portion of the service flow. 

Before each service, press "Pre Svc" followed by "Enter". 

This serves as a great starting point for the service, where ProPresenter will be on the side screens ready to roll the pre-service loop, and the scenic and center projectors will be blank. 


ProTools Starts - A countdown from ProTools is how we start most servicse. This is why the 'Pre Srv' preset puts ProTools in your PVW. When the countdown begins, flip the T-Bar on the Side PJ layer, and take ProTools to the side screens (program). This now allows you to focus on ProPresenter lyrics for the remainder of the Walk-In song. 


LC Begins Now - This video plays just before worship starts. When the video starts, press the "ProTools" hotkey. This will display ProTools onto your Scenic screen. Practice the timing for pressing this hotkey so the video fades in right at the start. 

After this rocess, you should now have ProTools on the two side screens and the scenic screen.

This process sets you up for worship, allowing you to focus on lyrics in ProPresenter.

End of Worship into Stage Time - At the end of Worship, 4 things need to happen. Every campus does these in slightly different orders and timing. This example is one we prefer most, but feel free to make it your own process. 

  1. Center Screen moves down - Press the 'down' button on Screen Control.
  2. Appropriate slide in ProPresenter is played - Click on the slide in ProPresenter.
  3. Fade sides to ProPresenter - Flip the T-Bar on the Side PJ Layer.
  4. Trigger the center screen on and Scenic Stage Time Image - Press the "STG Time" hotkey.


Transition to Message -  Ensure you have the correct source in PVW. Next, press the "MSG" hotkey and focus on starting backups. This hotkey will transition to the Message image on the scenic, as well as transitioning the PRV source to Program. Resi, Hyperdeck, ProPre, and Satellite are your normal previewed sources for the Message. 

Transition back to Campus (Hands) - Set ProPre in PVW on the Side PJ layer and flip the T-Bar to take ProPre to PGM.  

Close - Hit "Close" HotKey and focus on following stage communicator in ProPresenter.

End of Service - Press "Reset" + "Enter", then "Pre Svc" + "Enter".

  • You are now ready for the next service.
Scenic Hotkey Buttons:

1. Pre Svc (Pre Service) - This button is used to get us back to square one, before the first service of the day, or between services. It sets ProPresenter in PGM (Program), ProTools in PRV (Preview), blacks out the center and scenic screens, and prepares those screens to take PGM, as well as resetting things to help with the scenic images. This button requires the "Enter" button to engage the preset.

*Do not do this in the middle of a service, "Pre-Service" is the key term.

2. BLK (Black) - Sets the scenic screen to black.

3. ProTools - Sets the ProTools source on the Scenic screen.

4. STG Time - Loads the "Stage Time Graphic" onto the scenic screen and turns on the center screen.

5. MSG - Loads the "Message Graphic" onto the scenic screen; this also transitions the preview layer to program.

When pressing the "MSG" button, the Side PJ layer will automatically transition to the source that was in PVW. Please ensure the correct source is selected on the PVW row. If the wrong source is selected on PVW, the wrong source will be displayed on all screens.  

6. Close - Loads the "Close Graphic" (may be the same as Stage Time), and applies it to the scenic screen.

7. Switch - Loads the "Switch Graphic" and applies it to the scenic screen.

8. Baptism - Sets CAM on the side screens and keeps ProTools on the scenic screen.

9. Enter - Engages the "Pre Svc" or "Reset" presets that have been selected.

10. Reset - Resets all of the guts of the switcher and can be useful to get out of almost any pickle we find ourselves in.

Please do not press "Reset" during a service:

Reset switches every output to black, meaning all four screens, and all lobby TVs will black out. 

Video Walkthrough:
Previous Article Ross Switcher - Uploading Scenic Images
Next Article Ross Switcher - Baptism Button