
Ross Switcher : Baptism Button

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Baptisms are one of the most exciting things we do at LifeChurch. They are so special that we pull out a couple of extra tools just for these weekends! One of these tools, is the Baptism camera. With the Baptism camera, comes a little bit of extra "stuff" that needs to happen to get it onto the screens smoothly. To help with this transition, we've created a button that performs the necessary actions for you. Let's learn a little more about this small, yet mighty button.

The Big Picture

This button can save a lot of stress. But, We want you to know what happens when the button is pressed, so that we get a solid grasp on the operations that we're performing.

There are 2 visible things that happen when you hit the "BAPTISM" button.

1. The Camera is displayed onto the Side Screens

2. Protools is placed on the Scenic Screen

This all happens immediately, so please make sure to hit this button at the exact moment that you want to camera to be displayed on the side screens. 

After the last Baptism is finished, fade the Side PJ layer back to "PRO TOOLS", and you are all back to normal! Take a sip of coffee and run the rest of the service as you always do!

The Details
Cut and Dry
Start - ProTools in PGM  //  ProPre in PVW Start - Protools in PGM  //  BLK in PVW
- Button -  - Button - 
CAM in PVW, CAM Transitions to PGM ProTools in PGM
ProTools placed in PVW
Wordy Explanation



in Worship, we start with ProTools on our PGM bus (top row of SIDE PJ layer), with ProPre in our PVW bus (bottom row on SIDE PJ layer). When we hit the BAPTISM button, the first thing that happens is that CAM gets placed into our PVW bus on this layer. This is quickly followed by a transition to bring CAM to PGM which creates a smooth transition onto the side screens. After that transition is done, the switcher will place ProTools in the PVW bus of the Side PJ layer if it is not already there, in preparation for the transition out of baptisms. 



When the BAPTISM button is hit, the Scenic PJ layer makes sure that ProTools is "hardlined" to the Scenic screen to ensure that it stays on ProTools while the Side Screens transition to CAM. You can leave this layer alone throughout worship, because our "180" button takes care of any transitions that need to happen to apply our 180 image onto the Scenic screen.


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